Monday 23 October 2017

Marty Thrasher: How to Train Like a Professional Athlete

Marty Thrasher is a successful entrepreneur and former boxing champion. Even though he is no longer a professional athlete, he still works hard to stay in shape.

No matter what sport you participate in, here are ways to can train like a professional athlete and build muscle, gain speed, and increase agility.

  1. Do deep tissue work before you begin your workout in order to prepare for your workout and for post-workout recovery. Myofascial release is a form of deep-tissue work that helps to deactivate painful muscle knots with the help of a foam roller. Before your workout, make a smooth pass with the roller, and if you find a knot, roll out the point for a bit to get it to relax.
  2. After you complete the myofascial release, use bands to activate your muscles. Your muscles will contract and react to the resistance of the band, giving you the ability to stabilize your joints.
  3.  No matter what time you train, it is important to get enough sleep. During sleep, you slip into an anabolic state that is optimal for muscle building. In order to get the most out of your training, you want to get at least seven hours of sleep a night. 
To stay in his best shape, Marty Thrasher makes it a point to hit the gym frequently throughout the week. He is a successful business owner, who has been working in the fire protection industry for more than twenty-five years.

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Wednesday 11 October 2017

Marty Thrasher: Traits of Successful Entrepreneurs

Marty Thrasher is a successful entrepreneur who grew up knowing what it took to be successful. After watching his parents successfully flip businesses, he began his career as an entrepreneur, successfully starting and running more than ten businesses throughout his career. While Mr. Thrasher learned the traits needed to be a successful entrepreneur through his parents, not everyone has those kinds of role models. Luckily, entrepreneurs can become successful by harnessing certain traits.


You have to be able to push through a number of obstacles for years and be able to live with continuous uncertainty. If you are able to outlast your mistakes and push through the hard times, you have a better chance of succeeding.


Being passionate about what you do is important for success. Having a passion that is based on your company's specific mission is the fundamental drive that will provide you with the internal reward that has the ability to sustain you between paychecks.


Having the ability to spot an opportunity or imagine something new is one of the defining traits of successful entrepreneurs. They are able to identify overlooked niches and bring them to the foreground of innovation and emerging fields.


You need the ability to adapt to changing market conditions and consumer tastes. Being able to survive in business means you have to be flexible and be honest with yourself. If your business isn't working the way you planned, you have to be able to change course.

Being a successful entrepreneur takes a lot of hard work, but if you possess these traits, you have an increased chance of becoming successful. Marty Thrasher has spent more than twenty-five years in the fire protection business, opening Dixie Exhaust Cleaning in 2010